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Planning Board Minutes 04/07/08
Public Meeting @ 4:30 p.m.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Present:  Rich Osnoss, Chairman; Tim Lasker, Mitchell Posin, PersonNameRussell Walton, Janet Weidner
               John Flender, William Meegan and PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
Absent:   None
Guests:   J.B. Riggs Parker, Frank Fenner, Bill Randol, PersonNameChuck Hodgkinson, Andy Goldman,
               Jim Feiner, PersonNameJulia Rappaport, Blair and Diane Emin,

Continued Public Hearing for addressStreetMiddle Line Road (MLR) Community Housing Program Form C
Mr. Osnoss, Chairman, opened the hearing at 4:33 p.m.  Mr. Osnoss entered the following exhibits into the record:
1.  Archeological Survey Phase II Results Summary.
2.  Bylaws of the addressStreetMiddle Line Road Community Housing Association.
3.  Bylaws of the addressStreetMiddle Line Road Association.
4.  Correspondence from J.B. Riggs Parker to the Planning Board dated April 7, 2008.
5.  Offer to Purchase Real Estate dated January 25, 2008; Emin/Jenkinson Property,
     Map 13, placeLot 30.
6.  Offer to Sell Real Estate dated January 8, 2008; Beverly Gillis Jaksa, Map 13, Lot 29.
7.  Correspondence from PersonNameDavid Handlin; Landscaping recommendation for MLR.

Mr. Osnoss read aloud the letter from Mr. Parker.  This letter outlined the conditions of the agreement between the Town of CityplaceChilmark and the Emins.  One of the several conditions that the Emins will receive is the screening along the eastern property line of the Middle Line Road (MLR) Housing program.  Mr. Blair Emin commented that the letter is referring to an agreement that pertains to the sale of the property on addressStreetTabor House Road.  Mr. Emin stated that he is before the Planning Board as an abutter to the MLR development and is requesting that additional screening be considered.  

The Planning Board discussed the issue of a landscaping plan for MLR.  The Board recognizes that a landscape arrangement has been agreed to between the Town and the Emins/Jenkinson families.  Mr. Osnoss read aloud the landscaping recommendation from PersonNameDavid Handlin, Architect, which indicated using 36 Cedar trees to screen the eastern boarder of the MLR property.  Mr. Walton suggested changing the species of tree from Cedar to White Pine; as White Pine is shade friendly.   The Planning Board asked Mr. Parker if the Emin families could have the jurisdiction of what plant, where to plant (within a few feet of the property line) and when to plant as long as they stay within the budgeted dollar amount the Town has set for the screening, which is $8,100.   Mr. Parker committed to this arrangement.

Road Associations
The Planning Board discussed the road associations involved with MLR.  A road association will be established within the subdivision and all Homesite families and the developer of the rental units will belong to it.  There will be another road association for addressStreetMiddle Line Road, which will encumber all persons using addressStreetMiddle Line Road to access their homes.  This new association agreement will incorporate language from the existing road association agreement that the Emins presently belong to.   The Board asked Christina to provide a copy of the draft Middle Line Road Association Agreement to Diane and Blair Emin.

Fire Water Source
PersonNameChuck Hodgkinson updated the Board stating that he met with Reid Silva and Chief Norton.  Chief Norton suggested locating the tank at the entrance of the subdivision and clearing a half moon around it to accommodate more than one emergency vehicle at a time.  Chief Norton also recommended clearing a "T" at the end of the subdivision road to enable emergency vehicles to turn around.  Mr. Silva will provide a new map indicating these additions.

addressStreetHolman Road
The Planning Board requested the preservation of addressStreetHolman Road by erecting split-rail fencing at  the entrance of addressStreetHolman Road off addressStreetMiddle Line Road and also on either side of the subdivision road where it crosses addressStreetHolman Road.  This will prevent construction vehicles from traveling on the walking path.

A motion was made, seconded and all approved to continue the Middle Line Road Community Housing program to Monday, April 14, 2008 at 4:30 p.m.  

Diane and Blair Emin informed the Board that they will be away for the April 14, 2008 meeting.  Ms. Emin expressed concern with a section of the agreement they signed with the Town, which  states the Emins shall contact the Planning Board within five (5) days of the MLR decision to initiate the process of amending the road conditions on the three-lot subdivision.  The Planning Board suggested that the Emins submit a letter to the Planning Board prior to their departure for vacation.

The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of March 10, 2008.  A motion was made, seconded and all members approved the minutes as amended.

The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of March 24, 2008.  A motion was made, seconded and all members approved the minutes as amended.

- April 14, 2008 @ 4:30 pm   Planning Board Meeting
- April 28, 2008 @ 4:30 pm   Planning Board Meeting  
- April 28, 2008 @ 7:30 pm   Annual Town Meeting
- April 30, 2008 - Town Election - Vote...please.
- May 12, 2008 @ 4:30 pm    Planning Board Meeting

There was no other business.  Mr. Osnoss adjourned the meeting at 6:46 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.